Its okay MissElf, ppl R stoopid, we know. There there. You should totally tell off whoever inspired this post, and /ignore them. Just sayin'. (Oh.... Ranting is sorta your, thing, isint it? Well disregard then.)
And Z, my good friend. The Ripper is about 1000000^234 times better now. How can that be the straw for you? I mean, you have been holding back so long on how you really feel about change (read: you fear and despise it,) we know. you could always give the Ripper to me... First thing I did when I saw the change was the first thing you did; run screaming out of the room, throwing various things at the people we saw. But I did it because I was angry I never got the Ripper in the first place! See, my reasons for being rage-a-licious are so much more positive!
And I ask again, what... the... hell... is with Blizzard and Trolls and Axes?
Okay, back to my complaining about gear planning. I was wrong. But not because it doesn't cause some people to put the blinders on, and run only things they 'need.' No, I was wrong because there are so many other good ways to use gear plans, and indeed, they are almost necessary. My issue with gear planning on my blog is really much more simple. I hate gear planning. If I hate something, and I blog about it, its gonna suck. So, I have decided not to blog about gear planning! You see, what I really like about WoW is the game... of WoW. But, there is a problem, almost all WoW bloggers blog about gear planning. In fact, a lot do it almost exclusively. Some have a gift for it, others just compile lists of links. Instead, I am going to do something different. To fill that space on my blog, I am going to write definitive and complete guides to instances. They will be primarily tank oriented, but will cover how things are traditionally handled. What will make these guides different is that they are done by me, so I wont miss things, or gloss over things that are actually important or interesting.
1 comment:
Ahh, you didn't see through the post. I was also sad I didn't get a Ripper, and hoping that Bliz doesn't turn it into a feat of strength and make it so I can never get one... Like some titles they've done away with. But that would've been crying to say so, and it'd be easier now to get it anyway, which defeats the purpose of it being unique, as posted about. Oh well. Not like I've been able to play for a week or two anyway.
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