As a new Blog Azeroth devotee, I am writing my first response to a shared topic. The question is, what is a good WoW player?
To me, its actually elegantly simple. This may well come from a long time spent tanking, but its how I perceive it. To me, whenever I want to improve myself, it is so I can spend more attention on this one thing. What is it?
Situational Awareness.
WoW has a metric tonne of stuff going on, and that's when things are going according to plan! When a standard ton of do-do hits the industrial sized fan, you have to be aware of even more. If you are capable of cultivating this awareness, everything else, in my opinion, can be taught.
The first step to solving a problem is to state the problem. If you have no situational awareness, you have no idea that there is even a problem. When I try to improve my skills, even something completely unrelated to my awareness of the game, (like trying to figure out which is most effective against one target, Crusader Strike or Divine Storm?) I do so so that I can spend more of my time devoted to perceiving the virtual environment, and widening my situational awareness.
Players without this awareness are the type to stand in really badspots, or they move when they shouldn't. But outside just positioning, they either blow their cooldowns to early or too late, or not at all, they might as well be machines.
Obviously, some classes require this situational awareness more, and some less, but that doesn't mean one can do without. And before you ask, no amount of study of a strat can replace it. Because I value it so highly, it is why I cannot stand people who watch TV and play or even play other games while playing.
Situational awareness, get some. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.
Except GI-Joe is wrong, its the whole frikken battle!
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