Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The WoW Post

So, right off the bat, we have...



That's right, levels 79 and 80, in one post! I posted about getting 78 the other day, the next day, I ran one instance, and because of my rested bonus, I was halfway to 79. I quested the other half out, and then, with the help of some friends (L.X, I'd link ya, but I don't know if you have any home on the net...) we three manned Drak'Tharon Keep, and then did the Northrend Arena quests. And magically delicious, I was 80! (Oh, and I got an axe, so I didnt have to use the stupidist-looking-weapon-evar. (What is with Blizz and their hard-ons for trolls and axes, btw?))

However, after the glee wore off, I came to realize something. The easy, (albeit time consuming) part is over. I'm going to have to make, like, choices on how to proceed. As you know, I am no fan of gear lists. So, to me, any heroic at all is good, but even while running, I have to choose which tabard to wear, which means knowing, and prioritizing, faction rewards.

It also means reputation grinding for factions without tabards, such as the Kalu'ak, and Sons of Hodir, but we will get to those some other time

But, first things first, lets get down to deciding which dungeon faction I am going to work on. There are four to choose from, the Argent Crusade, their antithisis-in-arms (oxymor-who?) the Knights of the Ebon Blade, The Kirin Tor, and the Wyrmrest Accord. Now, right off the bat, I have not quested in Icecrown, and I'm not even friendly yet with the two Lich-Hatin'-Sects, plus, I figure that I would get at least honored by doing their quests once I get to it, so the Argent Crusade and the Knights of the Ebon Blade are out, for now, I'll get back to them. That leaves:

The Kirin Tor
And the Wyrmrest Accord
Now, by now, I was already Honored with the dragons, so I went ahead and bought me the Cloak and Fang, (before you ask, the Fang is plenty fine, remember dodge from agility? I may go for a more traditional paladin tanking weapon later, but for now, I'm building the best set for overall avoidance and soak I can get.)

I'm just liking the amount of rewards from the dragons best, so I am using their tabard, for sure... Expected more? Comparisons of the items against each other and others? Agony-inducing lists of items? This is what I am getting at about item planning. I am going to be wearing a tabard anyway, right? I don't need to bother comparing the pieces available against the Tempered Saronite* pieces, or even against pieces I would be getting from various heroics, because if I have better when I get around to buying, I just wont buy, and move on. A detailed item list would only make me less likely to want to run a heroic at this point, that is the only purpose it would serve. (Though, I admit, this may be an entirely personal thing.)

So, as I am doing my thinking, I see a LFG for heroic Violet Hold, and I jump on it. They need DPS, which is fine with me; I'm still specced Ret. Man, it was a blast (even though I didnt get anything.) And look at this....

Yeah, I don't know whats going on with her either, is she dying, or hacking up a scale-ball? Either way, without really trying, we get the "optional"** achievement, Defenseless. And since it was the first time for me (hell, it was the first Wrath heroic at all for me,) I got the completion achievement too.

When both achievements popped up, I thought, "Wrath really is too easy." But then I saw the damage meters. We had a hunter in there, and he had 42% of the dps without even popping trinkets. Meanwhile, myself and a kitty druid were working our tails off to even compete with the paladin tank! I know Z is gonna be mad, and I have to say, I dont know a thing about PvP, but in PvE, I really do think Hunters are OP. And before you ask, he was not substatially better geared than us.

So, there you have it, some announcements about levels, some philosophy on how to plan, some achivements, and a topping (bottom-ing?) of QQ, thats a WoW blog post if I ever did see one.

(* The Tempered Saronite gear is really good, but man, it is boring, Str, Sta, Defense, thats all. Ill be useing a buncha peices of it, to be sure, but I am going to avoid it as much as possible. Why arent these sets with set bonuses?!?)

(** Are any achivements really optional?)

(Palordin, I'm going to get you tommorrow, just you wait....)

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