Monday, December 15, 2008

The problem with Ghostcrawler

Blizzard really seems to be having some problems with Ghostcrawler. Don't get me wrong, during beta, with a smaller player base (11 million as opposed to what, 11 thousand, TOPS?) Ghostcrawler was the man. But now, he is a liability. He is a developer, not a PR guy, so I can forgive him this, but any PR guy will tell you, don't say the wrong thing. And GC says the wrong thing all the time. I'm not talking about tact, I'm not saying he is a 'loose cannon.' All I am saying is, GC screws up a lot. I am going to post here when I see him mess up. Mostly, because it is cathartic. And today, we have a treat, we are going back to the 12th for a doosey! 12/12 -

Explosive Shot -- damage increased substantially (e.g. from 260 to 520 base at rank 4), and additional scaling added to compensate. No longer deals AE damage to other targets. Arcane Shot -- mana cost lowered to the cost of Steady Shot.

This, in a thread he entitled "Mortal shot and explosive shot buffs." (As an aside... Explosive Shot without AoE damage, might as well call it Pop Shot. -eyeroll-) (Source) You can read a much better post (even though its on WoWInsider -shudder-) about this subject from a much better blogger, BRK of BRK (which translates to Big Red Kitty.) The post is here, his blog is here.


Whitehazed said...

Indeed his is a loose cannon. He has not begun to ban people from the damage dealing forums, not for abusive posts, but for simply posting concerns and opinions. No matter how polite you make the post, if he doesnt like what he sees he bans it. 3.0.8 was a disaster for him and he knows it.

Inspired Ogre said...

Heya Charles, thank you for posting a comment here... But I actually no longer blog on blogger... You should be reading me at

Go check it out, its 11:15pm now... Before 4am, there will be a post up that concerns you =)