Monday, December 15, 2008

Blogging Achivements

So, blogging. I would like to do it... I would like to like doing it. But, its hard to make a new habit. Achievements from WoW (yes, I know, achievements in gaming is not new, but WoW is my first real experience with it,) are a great motivator for me. So, I am going to set myself some blogging Achievements! I will make little badges on the side of my blog for each one. But, in order for this to keep working, the achievements have to be renewable. So, I am thinking monthly (calender version, folks, lets not get crazy.) I get a check for each month I make the achievement, and an X each time I don't. Ill figure out how to actually DO that later, but for now, I need to come up with the achievements themselves. Here goes... 1) Post 5 times a week. 2) Post once about WoW, DnD, MtG, other gaming, and one other subject. 3) Post something funny! (has to be verified) 4) Post in a new or substantially improved way 5) Post at least 5 times with a picture or some media 6) Post at least 5 "twits!" (does not count towards a post for the day.) Any other ideas?

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